Birthday Wish Lists

Amazon Wish Lists for the Twins 13th Birthday

I have been asked a few times about if the kids have a wish list for their birthday. I tried to make and send a list for Christmas and it was difficult to manage. So this time I am trying to add everything to an actual Amazon Wish List and hopefully anytime anyone buys one of the items, it will be marked as bought so everyone will know what is remaining. Theses lists are not meant to be a list of things they expect to get. There are a lot of items to allow a lot of variety to choose from if they want to get a gift. If the kids get one or two things off the list, they will be thrilled. They are both very sweet and very thankful… Don’t get me wrong, they are still kids and every once in a while, they need a little help reassessing what is important. But they are both very sweet and caring and just good kids, so it doesn’t take too much of a reminder to keep them on track :D.

In any case, here are links to their Amazon 13th Birthday Wish Lists

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