Update – 2024-02-12 – No More Chemo!!! No More Planned Inpatient Hospital Visits!!!

Update – 2024-02-12 – No More Chemo!!! No More Planned Inpatient Hospital Visits!!!

Sorry for the delay, it was a very busy night and day. So we were NOT anticipating Brandon clearing last night. I should have known that when I least suspected it, he would clear. So with that, they ran his labs and his and his Methotrexate level came back 0.08… So I rushed to pack everything, load everything, run home and unload, get Racheal, go back to the hospital and Brandon rang the bell for “No More Chemo” at 11:00 PM!!! I will edit the video and try to post it tonight. We hurried out of there and went to get Brandon some Arby’s and Racheal some Sonic. We got home at about 12:30. I didn’t get to bed until a little after 4:00 this morning and had to get up at 7:00. I had a pretty full morning and had a little unplanned nap this afternoon. We go back to the clinic on Thursday morning to get some lab work done and find out what his schedule will look like going forward. We also plan to give the staff some kind of gift. That place has become like a second home and the staff have become like extended family. We will still see them sometimes but not like we have been. Anyway, that is all for now. I will update again on Thursday.

Love you all,
Richard, Brandon & Racheal

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