
January 8, 2024 – Not going home & fulfilling the intent of this Blog

This will be a short update. The desire and hope is always to clear and be able to go home by about 72 hours after getting this chemo. We are almost at 96 hours and they checked again… Brandon didn’t clear. He still has to much chemo in him. So he was naturally pretty bummed. I promised I’d go get snacks, turn off the phone and the computer and we would watch a movie if his choice. So I have to be brief. I anticipate he will clear in the morning. He has a follow up appointment with the surgeon that did the amputation in the morning and then we will get to go home until Thursday morning.

Also I’ve been adding a lot too the site. But not much to serve the intent of the site and the blog, which is too raise awareness of childhood cancer and what is like and to share our journey and engage others that are going through this, have been through this or just care about this. So too that end, I have started working on a series of blog posts that will chronicle our journey as best as I can grub the beginning. And I will add some functionality to the site to allow others to share their current or past journey. More about that soon. But I’m very excited about adding the new content and functionality. Maybe one day this could even be transformed from a site and a blog primarily about one family and their journey into a site and suite of blogs about many families and their journeys.

I really look forward to what’s coming. I hope everyone will receive it well and find it helpful.

For now, goodnight and I hope you enjoy dinner quality time with some lovedones… Racheal, you’re next… I need some Daddy Daughter date time… 😗

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